2024 Reading Challenge Recap

Another year has come to a close, and it was quite the year over here! With that, it’s time to look back at my Goodreads Reading Challenge for the year. Did I meet my goal? Were there any standout books I’d recommend?

I had set a goal to read 34 books, and I ended up reading 46! Pretty impressive! A lot of the books I read this year were romances or fantasy novels featuring magic and witches, pretty typical for me.

Some of my favorite books of the year, that you should definitely check out are:

  • The Full Moon Coffee Shop – It’s a short and sweet novel that features cats and life lessons. It’s purrfection!
  • The Spellshop – Wonderfully written, and you truly get immersed in the world. You’ll fall in love and cry.
  • The Only Purple House in Town – Magical beings, love story, and full of fun characters.
  • Legends & Lattes – One of my favorite books of the year, hands down. Waiting for a sequel badly!
  • Bookshops & Bonedust – By the same author above, this prequel is fun and magical.
  • The Crescent Moon Tearoom – A beautiful story about a set of triplets, finding themselves while giving fortunes to customers.

I’m getting married in the New Year, so I’m sure things will be a bit more hectic for me, so for 2025, I’ll set my reading goal to 35.

Happy Reading!

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2022 Reading Challenge Recap

With January here, it’s time for my yearly Goodreads Reading Challenge check-in.

Last year I hoped to tackle 30 books throughout the year, and I was quite surprised to see I strongly surpassed my goal by reading a total of 43 books! Woohoo!

Let’s take a closer look at what I read.

As usual, it was another year full of books about magical universes, witches, queens, and British period pieces about romance.

I decided to give some classics a try this year too, reading Little Women and the books in its series, and I have to say, I didn’t get the appeal. The books weren’t that captivating to me, and it almost felt like a chore to finish them. I’m still intrigued to check out the recent movie adaptation of Little Women that came out over the past couple of years to see if that’s more captivating.

One of my favorite books included Deep Blue, a book that kicks off a series focusing around mermaids and the sea. Some of the visuals in the book were just simply stunning, and made me feel like I was right there in the reeds with pearls and cute fish circling around.

If you’re interested in YA Fiction, How to Hang a Witch was a great and easy read that I couldn’t put down. A fun read if you’re planning a trip to Salem, Massachusetts too.

For my 2023 Goodreads Challenge, I’m aiming for 33 books. Just a few days ago was my 33rd birthday, and it seemed like a fitting number to try and strive for. I’ve already got one book under my belt, and I’m in the middle of a second book that was gifted to me for Christmas.

Happy Reading!

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2021 Reading Challenge Review

With just a few hours left until the year is complete, it’s time to look back at one of my favorite things, my Goodreads yearly reading challenge!

My goal for this year was to read 30 books. I try to read a little bit every night as part of my evening ritual. Reading helps me escape the stresses of my everyday life, and hop into a different world.

Let’s take a look at the stats!

With 2021 being another Covid filled year, travel didn’t happen, and weekends weren’t busy, so I was able to smash my goal and read 10 more books than I had hoped, closing the year at 40 books read.

Some of favorite books from this year include:
The Ex Hex
Sixteen Scandals
Nature of Witches

Time to prep for 2022! I already have a stockpile of books to tackle in the coming days, thanks to a sale at my local library where I was able to fill a bag for only $5.

For this coming year, I’ll probably stick to 30 as my goal. It’s a fairly safe number that I think I can achieve, but who knows what 2022 has in store for all of us.

Happy Reading!

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2020 Reading Challenge Recap

I realize I’m quite late to the game on this post, but better late than never? We did have quite the pandemic in 2020, so I think we’re all a little more lenient on people’s speed of actions lately. So while we’re already several months in 2021 (and the pandemic continues!) I wanted to look back at my reading challenge I set for last year because quite honestly, I’m just proud of myself, and I read a lot of great books!

I had a goal of 20 books, figuring 20 books for 2020, why not. What I, and the rest of the world didn’t anticipate, was that 2020 would be a year like none we’ve ever experienced.

March came around and I started to work from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, giving me more “free” or “me” time since I wasn’t commuting in and out of New York City. This allowed me to have a little more time in the evenings to snuggle up with a good book. I started a few series, read some fun novels, and read a few short stories. For the most part, most books I picked up were winners, which makes getting through so many a breeze!

One of my favorite books that I picked up last year was The Art of Inheriting Secrets. It was a novel about romance, self discovery, growth and full of charm and characters you fell in love with. I honestly thought about this book for weeks afterward, it just really stuck with me.

As you can see from my selection above, I’m obsessed with anything about magic, witches, royalty, or the occasional time period story with romance thrown in.

I’m so proud of the number I was able to accomplish. Just like 2020 was unique, 2021 is pretty similar in a lot of ways. I’m still working from home until at least end of Summer, the world is still a little crazy, and my state has one of the highest number of Covid 19 deaths in the US, and in the world, so I’m staying home and staying safe.

This year I’m well on my way towards my goal of 30 books. Will I surpass it like last year? We’ll have to see what curveballs come my way this year.

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Reading Challenge Recap and 2020 goals

Another year of reading has come to an end. Every year since discovering Goodreads, I’ve been pushing myself to take on a yearly reading challenge. This past year my goal was to read 20 books, the same goal as the previous year. I’m excited to announce that I surpassed my goal, hitting a new record of 23 books in 2019! The last couple months were a bit slow going reading wise, so I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it, but I picked up some spellbindingly good books that pushed me over. Let’s take a peek at my Goodreads report.

Looking back, I read a lot of great books this year. During some of my longer bouts of travel, I took to reading on my kindle, and solely only free books I could download. Surprisingly some of those free books were my favorite can’t put this book down kind of reads.

If you’re looking for some quick reads that will have you fully consumed in the plot, check out “In the Dark” and “The Vine Witch.” Looking for a good cry? Anything by Mitch Albom will get the water works going, and I mean ugly kind of crying.

As 2020 is here and slowly underway, it’s time to get ready for another year of reading. Since the year is 2020, I figured I’d keep the goal at 20, to be all symbolic and everything, but ideally I’d love to hit 25. I’ve been telling myself that 2020 is going to be “the year of Katie,” especially as I get ready to turn 30 in a few days. With that said, I’m not sure how much free time I’ll have for reading because I plan to tackle new adventures, travel the world, and learn some new hobbies, but we’ll see where this year takes me.

One reading goal I really want to tackle is re-reading Harry Potter. My significant other and I hope to purchase a house this year, and I’ve been dreaming of having a Harry Potter home warming party, so I’ve got to re-read the books for some extra magic!

Happy reading!

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