As some of you may know, I celebrated the big 3-0 birthday this January. Ringing in a new year with a new decade of my own. So far, so good. No complaints.
While so many people imply 30 is a scary year for women, it shouldn’t be. I’m starting to feel a bit more like an adult. Not sure when I’ll ever fully feel grown up and be all “yes I am an adult, let’s do this thing,” but hey that’s ok.
I originally wanted to create a list of “30 before 30” things I wanted to do, accomplish, experience, etc before my birthday came around, but I failed at that. 2019 was kind of a crap year for me. There was lots of stress, the loss of one of my closest and precious relatives, work madness, event planning, etc. But just because I didn’t accomplish those 30 things, or even come up with 30 (lols), doesn’t mean I can’t still tackle some of those items and “check them off” the list of Katie. One thing I’m still of the mindset I want to do is get a piercing. Now, I got my ears pierced (one hole each ear) at the mall when I was like 7. It was terrifying. I don’t do needles. Lucky me one of my holes closed up, and my father decided he’d re-pierce my ear for me with a piercing gun he purchased to do his own ears (we’re a special family). That was horrifying as well. Yet, here I am saying I want to get my cartilage pierced. Will I do it? I don’t know, but there’s been a thread at work amongst a bunch of women recommending piercing places in the city. One looks good, and even has this awesome lightning earring that makes me feel like I’ll be a Katie version of Harry Potter. The earring costs around $400. I may be crazy. I’ll keep you posted. Ok, I’ve rambled, on to the topic of this post.
I’ve been really into crafting, creating, and painting lately. So, from this point on I’m challenging myself to create 30 “things” this year. Luckily, I’ve already got a good start since I’ve subscribed to a watercolor painting box, but I won’t stop there. I’m hoping to knit some stuff, add to my cande inventory, watercolor more, make some homemade catnip toys, sew some pillows, and make some shell art.
I hope you’ll join me on my journey. I plan to capture the crafting experience here. If you like cats, candles, watercolors, and shells, you’re in the right place my friend.
I’ll leave you off with some items I’ve recently started playing around with.

Getting artsy and crafty makes me happy, fills up my weekend, and gives me something to do that’s uniquely me. I can’t wait!
I’m also going to make an etsy store for fun. If anyone ever wants an infamous “Candles by Katie” candle or a cute watercolor (not a print), feel free to take a peek.